Wednesday, 21 November 2012

ECO II final exam

We (Priscila and I) are about to sit Eco II exam. This morning we were reflecting upon the subject and we considered that our Pecha Kucha is a good review of all the work that we've done all throughout the year, but it is not enough.

In a way, we had to dismantle the subject into pieces so as to be able to see the tools that we haven´t explored yet, but our classmates have already used in their presentations.

The idea was to go deeper, not only analysing or exploring the things that we've learned, but also the tools that our peers found and we happened to find really useful. By dismantling the pieces, at the same time, we're putting the subject together.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Yes! Here it is! Our pecha kucha!

In case you want to see it again, (and enjoy it hopefully!) you have to click ===> HERE

What we want to show you in our pecha kucha is the progress that we made all throughout this year. At the beginning it was difficult to design tasks and incorporate them in our lesson plans, mainly because we were not use to work in that way. Eventually, we learned many things and we enjoyed a lot working in this way, by mixing traditional ways of teaching and new and innovative ones.


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Our last lesson - Personal reflection

I can't agree more with Vanesa's last post. We've learned a lot in this subject and it is great to have a teacher who is able to understand our times and to give us different possibilities to work autonomously.

Our last lesson was great! I really love all the pecha kuchas!

Yes, at first we had some technical problems, but then, we could enjoy wonderful presentations.

Nice project! Great teacher and classmates!